Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Scott Pelley Replacing Katie Couric on CBS Evening News?!

With no official statement about Katie Couric leaving "CBS Evening News", the network already found her replacement for the anchor duties. CBS News Chairman Jeff Fager is eying “60 Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley for the job!

According to TMZ, they got two reasons in choosing Scott Pelley --- "First, he's well-liked and respected by his bosses, and second ... there really is no second choice who is appealing to the CBS honchos."

Even though Fager is not interested in Couric's anchor stint in "CBS Evening News",  he definitely agrees that she deserve to have her on syndicated show on CBS.

Couric's contract expires on June 4, 2011 and she's still in negotiations with CBS and other networks.

[Photo courtesy by Michelly Rall/Getty Images]
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