Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Director Tim Hetherington Killed in Libya; Photographer Chris Hondros also Died!

Tragic end for Oscar-nominated director Tim Hetherington! He just became the latest casualty in the on-going conflicts in Misrata, Lybia.

The 41 year-old filmmaker, who is known for covering and directing the documentary film about the Afghanistan war titled ‘Restrepo’, was killed in a mortar attack and he was pronounced dead before arriving at the hospital.
The Hetherington family issued a statement, "It is with great sadness we learned that our son and brother photographer and filmmaker Tim Hetherington was killed today in Misrata, Libya by a rocket-propelled grenade. Tim will be remembered for his amazing images and Academy Award nominated documentary 'Restrepo' which he co-produced with his friend Sebastian Junger. Tim was in Libya to continue his ongoing multimedia project to highlight humanitarian issues during time of war and conflict. He will be forever missed."
Another victim is photographer Chris Hondros, who suffered a brain wound and in a statement by Getty Images -- Confirming that Hondros, one of its staff photographers, also died from the rocket-propelled grenade attack.

Hondros is a veteran in covering intense conflicts from Kosovo, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and many more. He also won the Robert Capa Gold Medal, war photography's highest honor.

Prayers...... to the victims.

[Photo courtesy by Getty Images]
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