Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Michaele Salahi failed to be the next Playboy cover girl!

The Real Housewives of DC” star Michaele Salahi has high hopes to be next Playboy cover girl after doing a nude photo shoot for the said men's mag but it seems she's not enticing enough in reaching the mag's standards.

Salahi, who is also known as the White House crasher, received the bad news via an e-mail from Playboy honchos.
Playboy emailed, “There is no opportunity this calendar year to offer you a cover opportunity or place for your pictorial.”
As a consolation for her shattered dream, the popular men's mag will feature Michaele Salahi on the mag's online site.
Playboy explained, “We had hoped an issue would be available to present you in the pages of the magazine first. However, that does not seem likely and we do not want to keep them from our readers any longer.”
Meanwhile, Bravo canceled the upcoming second season of “The Real Housewives of DC”.

Two bad news... What's next for Salahi?

[Photo courtesy by InTouch]
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