Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kobe Bryant Apologizes To Gay Rights Group to end controversy

After giving the "out of frustration" excuse, Lakers star Kobe Bryant has finally decided to apologized for his homophobic slur. Kobe contacted Joe Solmonese of Human Rights Campaign and it seems the apology is well accepted.

Joe Solmonese told TMZ, “I applaud Kobe Bryant for his swift apology. We had a very sincere conversation in which he expressed his heartfelt regret for the hurt that his words caused. He told me that it’s never OK to degrade or tease, and that he understands how his words could unfortunately give the wrong impression that this is appropriate conduct.”

“At the end of a difficult day, I applaud Kobe for coming forward and taking responsibility for his actions.”
Yes, Kobe apologized but the truth is --- He just want to end this controversy and prevent it to blow out of proportion.

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