Sunday, April 10, 2011

Liam Neeson's cameo role was cut from 'The Hangover Part 2"

It's a well publicized issue when they axed Mel Gibson's cameo appearance in the upcoming comedy sequel "The Hangover 2" in which he was later  replaced by Liam Neeson.

It seems the "Unknown" actor , who plays Bangkok tattoo artist in the upcoming film also received the cut and reportedly, the actor replacing Liam for the role is Nick Cassavetes.

"The Hangover 2″ director Todd Phillips explained:
While editing, Phillips chose to cut the scene that immediately followed Neeson's cameo, meaning it no longer had the information necessary to logically get the Wolf Pack (Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms) to what became the next scene.

Three weeks ago, Phillips decided to reshoot the scene, but with Neeson in London shooting WB's "Clash of the Titans" sequel, the actor was no longer available.

"We were in a complete time crunch so I called up Nick and asked if he would do the part," Phillips wrote. "He came in and crushed it and that is the scene that you will ultimately see in the film. [I'm excited for everyone] to see the film. It turned out great."

The also difference between Mel and Liam is that no one objected and felt unhappy from the cast not like with Gibson's cameo appearance.

It seems Todd Phillips is very much challenge in producing a great and sure hit sequel.

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