Monday, May 16, 2011

Lindsay Lohan: a Stalker wants to Kill me!

Lindsay Lohan wants your help! She claims that a man is deeply obsessed with her and the said stalker even threatens to kill her!

The controversial actress tweeted along with a photo.
"This is the freemason stalker that has been threatening to kill me- while he is TRESPASSING!"
Receiving weird and scary stuff from the stalker.
Lilo added, "im actually scared now- the blood in the 'cults' book was too much- all my fans, my supporters, please stand by me. g-d bless xxL"
Now, Lindsay can use the legal system in favor of her and not against her. Lilo must get a restraining order against this alleged crazy-creepy man.

[Photo courtesy by Linday Lohan]
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