Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chris Brown Apologizes for GMA 'violent outburst'

Chris Brown realized that his violent outburst on Good Morning America will just worsen his declining image. That's why, he finally decided to apologized for the incident at BET‘s 106 & Park.

"First of all, I want to apologize to anybody who was startled in the office, or anybody who was offended or really looked, and [was] disappointed at my actions," Brown said, according to a transcript of his live appearance on BET's "106 & Park." [via ABC] "Because I'm disappointed in the way I acted".
Chris Brown became irritated during his interview last Tuesday after Robin Roberts continuously asking the domestic violent incident involving his ex-girlfriend Rihanna back in Feb 2009 and the restraining order which is now lifted. Brown stormed into his dressing room and started screaming and tearing the room apart. He smashed a window by throwing a chair at it.

Brown claimed that he was caught off guard by Rihanna-related questions.
He claimed that he had to release "the anger that I had inside of me ... Yes, I got very emotional. And I apologize for acting like that.
Brown must always expect this issues. The Rihanna domestic issue is already curved into his life ---- every action has consequences!

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