Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amy Adams to play Lois Lane For ‘Superman’ Reboot

Actress Amy Adams has secured the role of Daily Planet journalist Lois Lane in Zack Snyder's upcoming 'Superman' reboot. 

Zack Snyder said, “There was a big, giant search for Lois. It was obviously a really important role. We did a lot of auditioning but we had this meeting with Amy Adams and after that I just felt she was perfect for it” and added, “It goes back to what I’ve said about Superman and making him relevant and empathetic to today’s audience. That applies to Lois as well. She has to be in the same universe as him.”
British actor Henry Cavill will be flying high as the new Man of Steel and alter ego Clark Kent. Actress Diane Lane is also attached to this film as she is set to play as Martha Kent.

Warner Bros. is targeting December 2012 for the release.

[Photo courtesy by Bauer Griffin]
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